Electrifly will be operating between 01.07.2024 and 31.08.2024. Please note that these are cost-sharing flights as per the EASA cost-sharing regime set out here under.

Note: your booking request will be reviewed and confirmed by Electrifly via e-mail.

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EASA cost sharing

You are about to book a cost-shared flight on a light aircraft. You should be aware of the fact that safety rules for cost-shared flights are not as strict as they are for commercial air transport flights. This means that there is more risk involved in taking a cost-shared flight than buying a ticket from a commercial airline operator, where much stricter safety rules apply and where the aircraft, pilots and the operator are subject to continuous checks and strict oversight rules from the authority. As opposed to commercial airline passenger flights, the risk level involved in General Aviation flights can be compared with risk levels found in road transportation.